Saturday, October 9, 2010

When do we start?

(Sigh) Today is day officially day 17 of one clingy and nagging headache that will not go away. I have been to the Emergency Room and had their “migraine cocktail”, and was finally able to get some good sleep, but still no relief from the nagging burning, tension and pain. Yes, it’s driving me nuts. I have to say though, it is making me appreciate things I never thought would be so hard to have…….relief would be the number one thing I miss. For the most part, headaches do not seem so hard to get rid of. There are a lot of Migraine Medications out there, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Advil, Aleeve, a good night’s sleep, or a nice long nap. But I haven’t found the first thing to knock this one out, and with no insurance, I surely can’t afford all the prescriptions to do trial and error. I don’t think I even have the patience for all that at this point. This headache and the other issues I am facing, makes me wonder……….
“When do we start to appreciate the simpler things in our lives?”
For most of us, dragging ourselves out of bed in the morning does not seem like a big deal. Getting up and walking to the bathroom on our own seems simply natural. Jumping in the shower and washing ourselves is something we have done all of our lives. To be able to jump on a bicycle and ride it down the road or into town is something we have also done all our lives, so it’s not something that everyone is really grateful to be able to do. It’s just something that we do! Playing with our children or our Grandchildren is always a blessing in many different ways, but are we really eternally grateful for being able to crawl on the floor with them, or to be able to play hide and seek with them, or for that fact, any other games that we play with them on a daily basis? Standing on our feet for hours to cook that awesome meal that our family so richly deserves often times seems grueling, but it’s well worth it when we sit to eat! Cleaning our house sometimes seems like such a chore, but we hurry to get it done and when it’s over, the house looks beautiful and smells so good that it is simply irresistible to sit down and enjoy it for the rest of the day. Driving ourselves to town to go to the grocery store, gas station, or the bank sometimes feels like such tiring tasks, but there is always a reason to go. I could go on and on about the simpler things in life that we often take for granted. We often moan, groan and complain about having to do these things when we have a day off because all we want to do is relax, and rightfully so! But let me ask you this….
What if all those simple pleasures were ripped away from you in the blink of an eye? What would you do? How would you feel? Would it then be too late to get out of bed, stretch, and throw your arms high in the air Thanking God for another day of pulling yourself up? Would it then be too late to be grateful for waking in the middle of the night because you have to get up to go to the bathroom, only now you can’t get on your own and you  end up wetting yourself and the bed? Would it then be too late to endure the pain of riding that bicycle down the block or to town with gratefulness to the Lord, simply because you were able to, only now you wish you could? Would it then be too late to be grateful for the kids’ playtime that wears you down, when now you can only watch and wish you could? Would it be too late to not only thank God for the meal on your plate, but to thank Him for allowing you to cook it, when now you can’t even get to the stove top, much less the stuff to cook it with?
Would it be too late to be thankful for the many simple pleasures and activities in your life, painful or not, that we take for granted each and every waking day of our lives?
Would it be too late to be thankful for the many simple pleasures and activities in your life, painful or not, that we take for granted each and every waking day of our lives?
We need to thank God for every single thing in our lives, no matter how big, how small, or how seemingly unimportant, for He is our creator, and He has written our destiny, for each and every one of us. We need to realize that without God in our lives, nothing is possible. *Alone we can do nothing, but with God, all things are possible.* This is a phrase I live with every single day, as should you as well. It does bring comfort to your heart and mind, I promise you that!
There is always a process in which we go through in life, whether it’s an awesome time in life, or the absolute worst time in life. No one can fault us for the way we feel, for the fears that we face. God does not judge us for these feelings, where those of the flesh do, is that not enough to make you Thankful and Grateful for simple things in life that God has allowed us to experience? I think it is!
The road to acceptance is not a short road, much less EASY! There are a lot of changes in which one endures. But as you travel this road, never forget that God is there and understands. Never feel ashamed to show your grief, never feel ashamed to cry, never feel ashamed to let the world know that you are scared, never be ashamed for the life you have lived. Instead, find God in all things and Thank Him for his Work!
I am scared of the changes that my body is going through and putting me through, both physical and mental, I would be lying to you if I said that I wasn’t. I go through changes on a daily basis with the conditions I know that I have, the conditions that are yet to be found, and what my future holds with all of it. I know how badly my body has been torn apart over the years, but I am also grateful for every lesson I have learned through all of it! Do I cry? Yes! Do I have emotional roller coaster rides? YEP! Do I often cry and feel like giving up because I can’t get any relief with any medications? YOU BETCHA! Every single day!
If you are living this life, or love someone who is living this life, then you understand exactly where I am coming from. Rest assured my friend, you are never alone. There are compassionate and understanding individuals in this world who are more than willing to listen to you and to try to comfort you when you need comforting, you only have to reach out to them. NEVER feel like a burden because you are not. What you are going through is very real, just because it is not real for others, does not mean it is not real for you, and that surely does not give them a right to downplay your feelings. God listens and understands every plea, no matter how big or how small, and He does not judge us for our anger or despair.  
So, when will you start being grateful for your life? I have already started and I will never forget to say Thank you to My Lord for allowing me the strength and the courage to continue moving on!
ISAIAH 41:9-41:13
9: “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
10: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
11: ”All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish.
12: Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all.
13: For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you,  Do not fear; I will help you.”