Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Beautiful Winter

As Mother Nature is taking her course here in the mountains, the temperatures are beginning to drop, the leaves are changing their colors, and everything around us is making its changes for the winter. With the snow already appearing on the peaks of the mountains, the signs of winter are very clear. The deer are starting to come down the mountain sides for the winter and starting to gather in the lot in the back of the house again. What a peaceful site!
As anyone knows, winter brings some cold temperatures, and in the mountains – a lot of snow! It is very beautiful here in the winter time, and I have the best seat in the house! As the temperatures are dropping, I am starting to settle into my ‘winter nest’.  They say it’s going to be a rough winter this year. Last winter there were drops of 7 and 8 inches of snow at a time, temperatures of -18, and at one point, 19 inches of snow on the ground in our back yard. As this was only our first winter here, my very first winter in the mountains, I am not real sure what to expect as far as what a rough winter is going to entail, but I can just imagine!
Last winter was really tough on my body, but I made the best of it as good as I possibly could. With my right side flaring up and putting me in bed sometimes twice a month, it was difficult to enjoy, but I learned to appreciate what I was given. Early in the winter, we decided to go skiing at one of the local ski resorts, which was really a lot of fun. While Grace and I were spending our time on the Bunny Slope learning how to fall (LOL), Brad and Bradley were riding the ski lift to the mountain tops and skiing down with ease. It was a really awesome experience! As it was my first time ever doing this, it only took me about an hour and a half to realize that it would be my last. My legs were hurting shortly after we started, by the time I finally gave up, I was hurting so bad that I knew if I didn’t stop, I probably wouldn’t be getting back up from the next fall. By the time I had stopped, I could barely walk, much less try to ski anymore. The rest of the day was spent at the lodge watching Brad and Bradley come down the mountain, clowning around, falling, and having fun. It was quite the site to see! When all was said and done, I ended up on the couch for 3 days and could barely move, much less walk. This is one of those experiences that I could say, “I tried it, I loved it, but I will never be able to handle it.” Chalk one up for effort!
Later in the season, we all decided it would be fun to go rent snowmobiles and go play in the mountains! Another awesome experience! I got the pleasure of the luxury snowmobile which had two seats on it, so Grace could ride with me. Riding through the trails, climbing the hills, everyone getting stuck and having to dig and push their way out of the ruts, it was truly an experience! To ride to the top of the mountains and look out at the scenery was an experience like I have never had, and an experience that I will never forget! Unfortunately, it was an experience that I will never again be able to enjoy like that. It took too much toll on my body, and again put me down for 2 days. The memories will remain with me forever though. It was so beautiful being at the top, shutting the motor off, and hearing nothing but silence. It was the most peaceful and relaxing thing I have ever experienced in my life. Looking over Bear Lake and into the mountains beyond was probably the most beautiful site I have ever seen. Had the kids not been there, God only knows what kind of trouble my husband and I would have gotten into up there! It was very romantic and allowed for the soul to feel free! I will never forget it!
I don’t see this winter being as eventful as last, but I can say that I will be here enjoying the simpler things that this place has to offer. I won’t be treading off into the mountains or into the woods to explore, but that’s ok. Hibernating for the winter seems like a less painful option, especially considering that even though temperatures are not freezing yet, I am already feeling the effects of the coming weather. People wonder how I can sit here in the house for days on end, but it’s really not that difficult, especially when there is not much choice in the matter. I have found a lot of peace here. Sitting at my kitchen table, I have an awesome view of the rest of the mountain that we live on, and I can watch the deer play and mingle in the back yard! Sitting in my chair in the living room, I can see the top of the Temple in town that is lit up so beautifully day in and day out, which is very peaceful and helps me focus on my prayers. No, we are not LDS, but a person does not have to be LDS to appreciate the beauty and the representation of it all. It’s simply a wonderful reminder!  As I sit or lay on my couch looking out the picture windows in the living room, I can look across the top of the valley and into the mountains on the other side. As the snow decides to fall, the mountains become white little by little, from the top to the bottom. Watching the clouds cover the tips and the sun beaming down upon them is an absolutely beautiful site! With as much time as I spend on the couch and not being able to get up for the most part, I have learned where to find my peace. In my mind, I can climb to the top of the mountains, I can explore the woods, I can watch the wildlife, I can do anything simply by allowing my mind to escape as I watch the snow falling! It truly is an amazing distraction from the things that keep me down. It is disappointing to know that I can’t venture off with the rest of my family when it comes to winter activities, but they understand why and do not hold it against me. I enjoy staring off into the silence probably just as much as they enjoy being out there in it!
Although there really is nothing that I can do here in the winter, I have learned how to make the most out of my time. I read a lot, spend a lot of time in front of the fireplace, watch a lot of movies, spend a lot of time with my animals, and spend a lot of time letting my mind run away into the mountains where I would love to be. Anyone who knows me knows that this is not typical of me. I have always been able to work and pull myself through the winters fairly easily. Last winter was not so easy, matter of fact, it was just the beginning of the rest of my life. No more shoveling snow, no more building snowmen or making snow angels, no  more snowball fights, no more winter fun like it used to be. Do I still find peace of mind? I surely try! Living in a place that has been so Blessed and offers just as many Blessings, has helped me start to turn over a new leaf. Learning to take comfort in what I have left so far, has become quite the challenge, but I think as with anything else, time will help me become accustomed to the changes and eventually it will be easier. For now, I find peace and comfort in my surroundings, in the things I can still do for my family, and in my Lord. That should be enough, but it’s still a big change and often times a bigger challenge.
As I am often speaking with my doctors office lately in the attempt at finding some relief (which I can’t seem to do), the newer symptoms are leading to newer tests. They want to do an ultrasound on my neck as there is a new bulge which just keeps growing and causing grief, and there are new symptoms which are entailing new MRI’s, including the portions of my body they have not done yet, which they are also wanting to do once this process is started again. The Dr wants to attempt steroid shots in my neck to see if that will offer up any relief, but the disk at c5-c6 is so bulged that the chance of it working is slim. So, needless to say, surgery options are now being discussed. With the new bulge in my neck, they are not even sure the shot will be an option at this point. So on to more testing we go, hi ho – hi ho – hi ho! I’m not sure that the issue of having a hard time staying in this year will be much of a problem. I don’t really think I am going to be doing much outside of Dr appointments anyway!
So, on to more books to read, more blogs to write, more wood for the fireplace, more time with my doggies, and probably some new movies in my near future, but we’ll see what time brings on! No matter what, I just keep praying that peace, serenity, and acceptance, comes along with it!
*Alone I can do nothing, but with God, all things are possible!*